Hooked on US Politics

I've been a news-junky for a long time now; but lately I have been gripped by US politics, specifically… the race to the White House.

Admittedly, I've found myself caught-up in the wind of change that's currently sweeping across the United States... eagerly awaiting the November elections when (I hope) Barrack Obama will become the first black American President.

It's hard to believe that, just about two years, I hardly even knew who the guy was, much-less to recognize his name, "Barrack Hussein Obama."

Fast-forward to 2008, and it seems like I just can't get enough of Obama from the TV news; spending whatever second I get to surf the web and read the latest news about him.

But, I may not be the only one fascinated by his sudden rise to political stardom, his main rival Hillary Clinton is too.

Once considered “the person to beat,” Clinton is now baffled by Obama’s recent string of victories in the race to become the Democratic Party’s nominee.

And she’s now deploying every tactic in the book to stop his surge.

But nothing seems to be working for the former first lady; not even Bill Clinton, who seems to be doing her campaign more harm than good.

Before I knew Barrack Obama, I really liked and supported Hillary Clinton; but like many Americans, I’ve been inspired by the 46 year old Senator from Illinois.

Notwithstanding, I’ve often wondered, what has propelled Obama to the top of the race, that he now seems untouchable.

The answer finally came to me while watching ABC news and a round up of the 20 debates the two candidates have engaged in so far.

I realized that while Obama has, for the most part, remained consistent in his message of hope and change, Hillary has constantly altered her tune to reflect the issues, she believes, are important to her audience.

Quite frankly, I’m not sure whether I support Hillary Clinton anymore, given that I’m now confused about her real character.

In the past week, I’ve witnessed the New York Senator go from nice to sarcastic to downright nasty…as she tries to discredit Obama on the issues.

By going after him in that manner, Hillary Clinton is actually damaging her image, as far as I'm concerned.

My advice to Mrs. Clinton is: maintain your dignity, pull out of the 2008 presidential race and wait for 2016, when Barrack vacates 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Anonymous said…
nice blog shervon
david santos said…
Thanks for posting, Shervon!
Have a nice weekend.

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