St Lucia Carnival 2kgreat was really GREAT

Hey Guys,

I know it's been a very very very long time since I last updated my blog. I've just been so busy, it's hard to sit at the computer for anything other than work.

But I made it a priority to get some photos from the carnival parade of the bands on Monday and Tuesday for your viewing pleasure.

Before I proceed any further, here's a brief round up of the results:

Herb Black was emancipated from calypso jail with his hit song "Suzette;" wining two of the season's most prestigious crowns - the coveted calypso monarch and the groovy soca monarch.

Additionally, he won the first ever People's Monarch, organized by the Wave Radio. We're speculating that he ended the season with well over fifty thousand dollars in cash...

The other big name of the season is - Ricky T. The soca sensation continues to wow the crowds, proving that he's here to stay. This year he captured three big titles - the power soca monarch, Caribbean Soca monarch and the road march crown. Look out Marshal Montano

Oh yeah...Mas Action won Band of the Year

Carnival would be nothing without sexy and beautiful girls... so here we go..

Cupid is also making waves
in the soca industy

Here are Soca Star sightings

Alpha - St Lucia's 1st Soca Monarch

Herb Black singing his hit song, "Suzette" on carnival Tuesday


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