Baby dies in house fire

It always hurts my heart to hear stories about children who fall victim to negligence.

A two-year old boy was burned to death, this week, when his home in Soufriere was destroyed by fire.

It's not clear what caused the blaze but fire officials say it appears to have started in the section of the house where the baby's charred remains were recovered.

The child had been left unsupervised while his mother took the other kids to school.

The door of the house had been fitted with a barrier to prevent young Shian Cyril from going outside. But that proved, not enough to save him from danger.

This tragedy could have been prevented had the mother - a single parent - did what most responsible parents would have done - take her baby along with her.

Such young children should never be left alone (even for 1 minute) muchless to fend for themselves, in my humble opinion.

This case highlights a very serious issue in St Lucia. Across the country, many children are left to care for themselves while the parents go about their business.

Admittedly there are cases, where the parents - in an effort to earn a living - are forced into situations like this.

However certain parents just refuse to accept the responsibility of caring for their children and that's a sad fact that's having major implications for the wider society.

Some people just produce children and leave them to raise themselves. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that it's those same children who become the drug dealers, thieves and problems to society.


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