Ausbert D'Auvergne the next Micoud-North MP?

It seems as though the Economic Affairs Minister - Ausbert D'Auvergne is preparing to replace the late Sir John Compton as the MP for Micoud-North.

Word came today that The National Development Movement (NDM), which Mr. D'Auvergne established, had been dissolved, following a meeting last Saturday.

The reason is that Mr. D'Auvergne is currently considering a request from Prime Minister Stephenson King to join the governing - United Workers Party, according to a NDM statement.

Whether it was planned or not; that statement to the media has been released while Mr. D'Auvergne is out of the country (reportedly on state business). As a result, the NDM leader could not be reached for comment by reporters.

All this comes ahead of the bye-election in Micoud which could be called within the next two months.

While Mr. D'Auvergne has not publicly indicated his intention to contest the seat, speculation is rife that he may enter the race.

Mr. D’Auvergne is currently on the Most Wanted List of the main opposition - St Lucia Labour Party.

The SLP has accused him of having links to a convicted criminal in the United States and has threatened to expose what it describes as his "shady dealings" to international businessmen interested in investing in St Lucia.

Personally I believe it's quite hypocritical and self-centered of the SLP Political Leader - Dr. Kenny Anthony to make such threats.

Not only will he be creating a negative impression of St Lucia in the eyes of those investors, but he'll also prevent ordinary St Lucians from "eating a bread" from the money those businessmen would have pumped into the country.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same SLP Leader who chastised the St Lucian media about its reporting on crime, while they were in government, accusing the media of conveying a negative image of the island to prospective tourists.

Nuff said on that Tony subject...... lot kote'

Before the 2006 general elections - while still heading his NDM party - Mr. D'Auvergne was very accessible to the media, inviting me to telephone him "anytime."

However, now that he's in government, Mr. D'Auvergne has seemingly suffered a change of heart, and is now reluctant to speak to the press.

With only former Micoud-North MP Marius Wilson indicating his intention to contest the up-coming bye-election, it remains to see whether Mr D'Auvergne will throw his hat into the race, once he formally joins the United Workers party.

As one political analyst puts it... any UWP candidate who goes up will win the seat of the still-grieving Micoud-North constituency.


Anonymous said…
Hey I'm a D'Auvergne and my parents are born in St. Lucia, they are proud of me for finding stuff about our family cause it is a history. But here is the thing I want to know more about it cause i'm curious sense you are pert of our family I welcome you. And one more thing my great grandfather was white and his last name was french it was D'Auvergne I found pictures, paintings, and all kinds of stuff. I just want to know about my family thats all so can you help me please leave a comment for! :)

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