Police kill Man believed to be mentally challenged

Human Rights lawyers are again calling on the police to investigate their own.

This after the police press office confirmed that an officer had shot dead a man believed to be mentally unstable earlier this week.

The police say that the victim - Fitzroy Stanislaus was shot in the groin area whilst being apprehended.

The lawmen had gone to the small community of Darcretin in the west coast village of Choiseul after receiving reports that Stanislaus had been breaking bottles on the road.

One police source told me that the shooting occurred after Stanislaus threatened to kill the officer; even though eyewitnesses say he was unarmed at the time.

This latest shooting brings back haunting memories of an incident in 2006, when a group of officers opened fire on a mini-bus packed with passengers, killing an elderly man and leaving at least two other people injured.

The police say they were responding to a tip-off that a passenger on the bus was in possession of an illegal firearm and drugs.

They say the officers opened fire only after the bus driver refused to stop when ordered to do so.

It's almost a year since this incident and no action has been taken against any of the officers involved.Saint Lucia Police are remaining tight-lipped on the Stanislaus issue, even as they extend condolences to his family.

Whatever the reason for the shooting, I believe it's rather unfortunate, that in this modern society of ours, the police can go around shooting people with impunity.

What's more unfortunate is that you never hear of the police killing people from rich families..... I really have to run now... will continue that later


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